Thoughts On Energy

 In 2015, Agriculture, June

Today I am thinking about the memberships to my local LaPlata Electric Association, Florida Ditch Company, and my local Farmers Coop As a rural electric member of the Laplate Electric Association in good standing by virtue of just owning my property and paying my bills. I am grateful to those who keep my lights and pumps and heaters going. I have water heaters in the winter for my livestock tanks.

I have pumps in the summer for maintaining my garden and keeping the pastures green for my cows. The rural electric associations employ a lot of neighbors and provides a service some people take for granted. Recently we had the election for the board of directors who we believe will guide us effectively and efficiently through our addiction to energy. The question everyone was talking about how can we get to a place where we have renewable energy with "0" carbon, and no sky high electric bills. Can we produce more here with solar in our own back yard to make more employment opportunity for the worker? The question and answers are numerous, as it is with all small associations. The Florida Ditch Company, that I am a share holder member of maintains the ditches efficiently effectively to provide my irrigation. The annual meeting is usually in February on some cold dark night. But the President and secretary and the ditch riders all show and speak of the job they have done and things for the next year's maintenance schedule, and always what the annual fees will be for the coming year to the moans of all in the room. But we need this committed bunch that we the shareholders employ.

If you don't like how things are going, run for office, anyone can. The local Food Coop that some are members of for purchasing their groceries and doing work for lessening the cost of their food. The local Coop that I buy some of my feed for the cows and horses from, sends me a profit sharing check each year depending on how much I have spent with them during the year. All these smaller associations that need our input as consumers to keep us all striving to be more efficient and do things better. Unlike the great big utilities, or water companies or grocery stores. We may know the management. If you don't participate in voting for your directors and presidents then don't complain when you don't get the results you want!

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