Happy Holidays from Mira Ranch

 In 2015, Blog

The Spirit of The Season, The Gift of Warmth
and a Joyous New Year

This last week was a race against the weather because I had told a friend that I would gather some wood for him for helping me with our live barn cameras. I called Tony Corona who is a partner and friend in video production for Mira Media, and inquired how his stack of wood was doing. After speaking with him, I soon realized that the need for what I estimated originally as cord of wood had grown to be several cords of wood!

Here at Mira Ranch, management of the land is always a primary consideration – which leads to the following questions: where on the property, what kind of wood, Pinon Cedar Juniper, and where could we find the easiest access? I can’t stress enough how much a truck tears up the ground, so I always try to follow the same path around the property to reduce the impact. Once we were cutting, I observed many of the standing dead cedar trees had burrows dug into the trunks and limbs. Not certain whether they were inhabited and being too far along to stop, we continued cutting apart the limbs, trunks and the abandoned nests with all the artifacts, downy feathers, bug parts, saw dust. After investigating further, I determined that there were no mammals currently living in these holes. My relief was immense! Christmas and I had NOT displaced some creature just before it snowed. Having collected three cords of prime cedar and juniper wood, now I am excited about loading up and delivering the gift of warmth this winter!

The satisfaction of making people’s lives better resonates as the true meaning of this holiday season. So, make New Year 2015 the time to reflect. Make a difference in the world, one person, one kind act at a time, and be grateful for what we have.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

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