Tending a garden in the west is a humbling and enlightening experience. One learns that the wind and extreme temperatures can never be controlled. When we learn to let it go – that’s when [...]
The La Plata County Fair is an enormous local event that requires the volunteer efforts of a several hundred people, from Extension Office employees to 4H leaders to taste testers! We especially [...]
Broomfield, Colo. – The Colorado Department of Agriculture publishes the Colorado Hay Directory Annually to help connect Colorado hay producers with buyers. The 2015 edition of the directory is [...]
The Silverton Skijoring competition took place on February 15-16, 2014 This annual event is attracting some quality horses, horseman, and skiers from around the area. The excitement of the race [...]
Hi! My name is Halle. I am 10 years old. I have two horses: Koda, my slow show horse, and Angel, my fast speed event horse. I belong to one of my county’s 4-H clubs. I became involved with [...]
Most horse owners leave the hard work of trimming or shodding their horse to their horse’s shoer, or in the trade known as a farrier. The need to keep your horse’s hooves picked out and trimmed [...]
The regeneration of a herd brings a breath of new life. Every year a rancher looks to the market to tell him what his new crop of calves will be worth, but before he can count his good fortune [...]
It is time to move the cows to their summer pasture. Knowing something is changing, it’s like the cows have an internal watch and a calendar with the date circled. The cows begin to crowd the [...]