Fall Gardening Tips

 In 2015, Agriculture, June

Finding joy… gardening feeds your mind, body and spirit. Look with optimism towards Spring, be grateful for and generous with the bounty of today. Enjoy the aerial acrobatics of the hummingbirds…Fall is the perfect time to plant.  The sun’s intensity has diminished and the ground is still warm. Cooler weather allows for good root development. Plant new trees and shrubs.  As you plan the location of your new specimens look carefully from every direction – see if the positioning is correct – does it compliment the plant next to it – will it withstand harsh winds or intense sunshine. Will it outgrow its place in a few years – give it ample space.

  • Relocate trees and shrubs preparing the transplant hole in advance. Water thoroughly throughout the Fall.
  • Transplant and divide perennials in early fall, preferably a cool, cloudy day. Beebalm, catmint, daylilies, yarrow and Shasta daisies become overcrowded in time and dividing them allows them to thrive. Cut down into the clump with a sharp blade or dig out entire plant and divide the roots gently by hand.  Replant quickly or plant in pots, cover roots with moist soil and share with friends.
  • Plant spring bulbs in wire baskets or line planting hole with hardware cloth (screening material) which will protect bulbs from ground squirrels and gophers. Give the bulbs a little bone meal to help them along their way.
  • Allowing the perennial habitat to stand provides places for butterflies to lay eggs, seed heads from spent flowers generates food for birds, and stems left on perennials catch snow which insulates plants and creates wonderful artful shapes as the snow falls.
  • Mulching roses up around the stem to about 6” protects plants from the harsh winter.
  • Seed and fertilize areas of  lawn as this is the optimum time of year for successful growth.
  • Clean up gardens and compost any dead plants. Apply a layer of compost.
  • Mulch with 4” to 6” of organic material to help over winter. Avoid the crowns of plants.
  • As you plant or transplant in your garden take care to water all plants well and often.
  • Keep a journal and draw up a map of your plantings. Make notes pertaining to individual plants, colors, growth habits – any information that will help you create your most beautiful garden ever
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